A dia d’avui fem aquest comunicat per recordar al barcelonisme qui som a Cor Blaugrana i quin és el camí que seguim. La nostra idea segueix sent la mateixa: lluitar per la transparència, bona praxi i respecte al soci del Futbol Club Barcelona. Per nosaltres és molt important que també els aficionats se sentin inclosos com a part del club. Today we make this statement to remind culers about who we are at Cor Blaugrana, and what our purpose is. Our idea remains the same: we fight for transparency, good practices and respect for members at FC Barcelona. For us, it is very important that fans also feel as they are part of the club.
We don’t take any specific side in all the different ideas out there to rebuild our Club. We welcome all sensibilities and points of view related with Cruyffism, Barça and the Club’s impact in Catalonia. Within our group there are people with different ideas for the upcomming presidential elections, as well as origins. There are people from the traditional district of Les Corts, close to the stadium, culers from other continents or others from the same neighborhood where our founder Hans Gamper lived.
Som probablement el grup de socis més jove que hi ha i tenim moltes ganes de seguir aportant com hem fet des del principi. Vam sorgir per fer la Més que una Moció, empoderant el soci, i seguim proposant iniciatives, com ho és la #MultiseusFCB i la campanya #MessiOneClubMan. Encara en tenim més, amb una propera que comunicarem pròximament, però creiem que cadascuna té el seu moment i el seu context. We are probably the youngest group of members out there and we are looking forward to continue contributing to the Club, as we have done from our beginning last year. We emerged to do the motion of no confidence, on which we empowered members to save their Club. We continue working for the Club’s well being with initiatives such as #MultiseusFCB and the campaign for Messi to stay, #MessiOneClubMan. There are more initiatives on the making, which we will tell you all about soon.

We know it is hard to navigate through this election process, as this election campaign is long and sometimes, not constructive. At Cor Blaugrana, as we mentioned before, we remain completely neutral in this process. As a grup with a cross-cutting approach, we believe that our function is not to give support to a candidacy, but to give voice to members. We area always open to receive any comment, ideas from them and Barça fans. We welcome everyone to contact us and tell us what you would like to discuss.
We think that now is time for members and fans to imagine what the Club we want for the upcomming years, so we can evaluate proposals accordingly. We believe we always need to have in mind the importance of rebuilding our Club, so that it can become once again, the best Club in the world. Therefore, we would like to remember that the motion of no confidence was put in place not with elections in mind, but to save Barça, as a last resource. It is necessary to acknowledge all participants in it in the same way, whatever their contribution was. Tots units fem força.
At Cor Blaugrana we are a group of action, and an extremely executive group. One of the things we are most proud of, is that we are very open about the initiatives we do. All the information about them, you can find it in our website corblaugrana.cat. We produce all this documentation by ourselves (therefore, it is protected by Copyright), with no other inspiration than Barça. We want to make our own way as a groups, and would like you to join us!.