Tag: More than a club

Multiseus elections proposal

FC Barcelona is in a serious situation of institutional paralisis. The elections have been postponed, so it is necessary for members and groups to propose new ways to actually hold elections with safety. They cannot be postponed again. This needs comes from the fact that the Interim board has been uncapable of finding a solution, even when Catalan elections will be held anyway -a much more massive process-. The main function of this board was to call and organize elections, and they have failed in it every step of the way.

This fridat, from El Cor Blaugrana we sent an urgent document to the Board, with a proposal. We propose having more polling stations, distributed all over Catalunya, in order to garantee the elections will be held on March 7th.  This initiative, that we called #MultiseusFCB, is born from the urgent need to secure the electoral process and to have an elected president as soon as possible, who must be elected with maximum participation. There are no excuses, not even sanitary, to keep delaying the elections.

From the evolution of the pandemic in Catalunya, it is very likely that, by March, movement restrictions will be less strict. This led us to present to options:

1- One polling station electoral in each of the 42 counties (comarques) in Catalunya. With this strategy, it is possible to guarantee a possibility to vote for all Barça members in Catalunya (93% of total).

2- Considering that 83% of members live in Barcelona province, we think that having 11 polling stations, one in each of Barcelona counties, the participation rates will be significantly better than with just six proposed by the board.

This proposal complements the mail vote, and it is intended for the majority of members that have not opted for that mecanism.

We think this proposal is completely doable and there is sufficient time to implement. We are aware of the challenges of the pandemic, but they have been addressed in many countries (Catalunya too, holding general elections in february), where democracy has not been put on hold. Nor the pandemic nor the cost of the process should be reasons to have less participation in our elections. 

Help us spread the word on social media using the HT #MultiseusFCB!

We have also sent this proposal to candidates Jan Laporta and Víctor Font, asking their support to this initiative through our hashtag #MultiseusFCB

Visca el Barça, visca Catalunya, and elections now!


You can red the complete document sent to FC Barcelona here. (catalan version)

Check out our Twitter to read comments on this initiative.

Next Sunday, let’s all go to vote!

We sent a letter to FC Barcelona last monday, to insist on our proposal of increasing the number of polling stations for the upcomming elections. We haven’t received an answer yet. As a result of the rigid position from the Comisión Gestora, more than 50,000 members won’t be able to vote ld be excluded from the electoral process.

More than 50% of members live outside Barcelona city. Just 11% of them will have access to a polling station, considering the current movement restictions in Catalonia. Therefore, a significant number of members (we estimate around 40%) wil be unable to vote, or will be very restricted to take part in the upcoming elections.

In the letter we sent, we reminded the Comisión about MultiseusFCB, a series of proposals we sent last month, aimed to make the elections more accessible with more polling stations. As we have already estated before, our proposals were rejected by the Club, using this blatant lie as an excuse: “the authorities discourage accepting your proposals”. However, Health authorities have NEVER discouraged the Club from setting up more polling stations. From El Cor Blaugrana we have tried everything to have maximum participation and transparency in the upcoming elections. We have urged the Club to set up more venues, and requested the mail-in vote should be counted separately from the rest. After all our efforts, the only option we see possible now is to vote with the permit of self-responsibility. Therefore, we encourage all members to use this method to go to vote, making their voice hear in this crucial time. In this matter, we demand FC Barcelona to reach an agreement with the Generalitat, so that members can use this document to get to vote. If 5.5 million people were called to vote on February 14th in Catalonia’s general elections, a few thousand should be able to do the same next week. If the Comisión does not do anything for the sake of the Club’s democracy, we ask the Victor Font i Joan Laporta, if they get elected, to publicly commit to providing legal coverage from the Club, in case any member is sanctioned for the simple act of voting.

Watch our brand new video! All about our #MultiseusFCB proposal 🔥


Mail vote: We need complete transparency

At El Cor Blaugrana we continue our task to make the next elections to be more transparent and to facilitate participation of members. We believe Barça’s motto, ‘More than a Club’, gets more important now, on the verge of the upcomming elections.

A few days ago we sent a letter to the Club, requesting mail vote to be counted separately from the rest of the votes.

With this request, we want to ensure that Club’s members and fans, can be truly confident that the mail vote will be as transparent and trustworthy as the traditional process. We need to remember that mail vote will be used for the first time in Barça’s history.  More than 22,000 members have requested to vote by mail, so we think that it is essential, for the democratic future of the Club, to use this system and to know how good it was this first time.

In our letter, we requested the Electoral Board that mail vote to be counted separately from the rest of the votes, and also, that the Club informes that separate count to members and public opinion. We made this request for two main reasons. The first, to detect opportunities for improvement: it is important to know the total number of votes by mail received, and compare it with the number of requests. From that, members would know if the process worked or not. The second reason is, transparency, plain and simple: these elections are a great opportunity to demonstrate transparency in the Club, a value that has lost relevance in recent years. For the future of the Club, it is essential to return members to trust in its internal processes. Trust is only achieved with more transparency.

Last week, Barça has already leaket to the press, that they wouldn’t count mail vote separately. Even if they still have this intention, we do believe transparency in this process is essential for the future. We need to leave strange things behind us. So the Club must make all efforts to make this new voting system to be trustworthy. Therefore, we ask FC barcelona, to make everything in their power to avoid any suspicions. Separate mail vote count will be part of that.

You can read our letter to the Club by clicking here (English soon)

We also have sent the Club more proposals to allow more polling stations, and make easier for members to vote, #MultiseusFCB. Here you can read all about it. We will keep insisting on it as well, even after receiven a negative response from the Club. We still do not understand their reply, as we just asked to use the same distribution of stations that the last board proposed to Catalonia’s Health Department, who gave their approval.

Pablo Hasél: Defending freedom of speech

Platform Més Que un Llaç and El Cor Blaugrana, unite today in the name of freedom of speech and democracy. We are committed to our purpose of reconnecting FC Barcelona with their essence. So we demand artist Pablo Hasél to be released from prison.  We believe in the Club’s motto, ‘Mes que un club’. We know what it means and where it comes from. The defense of freedom and democracy must once more be a priority for our Club.

This is the time to turn words into facts, and confront this exemple of antidemocratic repression. This is the time to defend Pablo Hásel and also, to be truthful to the club’s history. In XXI century, being imprisoned over coments on social media should not be allowed.

While the team was playing a game against PSG, Barcelona streets were fuming for this case. And there was nothing in our stadium, that indicates support to freedom of speech. People love and connect with Barça because actions that differentiate the club from the rest. We demand not to lose any more chances to tell this difference to the world.

We believe our club should demonstrate its commitment with society and democracy. They have to say something in favour of freedom of speech and ask for Hásel’s to be freed. Therefore, we demand FC Barcelona to make a public support to the artist and the cause of freedom speech. 

You can read our interpretation of ‘Més que un Club’ here.

STATEMENT: Our heart beats with Blaugrana blood

A dia d’avui fem aquest comunicat per recordar al barcelonisme qui som a Cor Blaugrana i quin és el camí que seguim. La nostra idea segueix sent la mateixa: lluitar per la transparència, bona praxi i respecte al soci del Futbol Club Barcelona. Per nosaltres és molt important que també els aficionats se sentin inclosos com a part del club.  Today we make this statement to remind culers about who we are at Cor Blaugrana, and what our purpose is. Our idea remains the same: we fight for transparency, good practices and respect for members at FC Barcelona. For us, it is very important that fans also feel as they are part of the club.

We don’t take any specific side in all the different ideas out there to rebuild our Club. We welcome all sensibilities and points of view related with Cruyffism, Barça and the Club’s impact in Catalonia. Within our group there are people with different ideas for the upcomming presidential elections, as well as origins. There are people from the traditional district of Les Corts, close to the stadium, culers from other continents or others from the same neighborhood where our founder Hans Gamper lived.

Som probablement el grup de socis més jove que hi ha i tenim moltes ganes de seguir aportant com hem fet des del principi. Vam sorgir per fer la Més que una Moció, empoderant el soci, i seguim proposant iniciatives, com ho és la #MultiseusFCB i la campanya #MessiOneClubMan. Encara en tenim més, amb una propera que comunicarem pròximament, però creiem que cadascuna té el seu moment i el seu context.   We are probably the youngest group of members  out there and we are looking forward to continue contributing to the Club, as we have done from our beginning last year. We emerged to do the motion of no confidence, on which we empowered members to save their Club. We continue working for the Club’s well being with initiatives such as #MultiseusFCB and the campaign for Messi to stay, #MessiOneClubMan. There are more initiatives on the making, which we will tell you all about soon.  

Campaign Messi One Club Man
Campaign to make Messi to stay at Barca

We know it is hard to navigate through this election process, as this election campaign is long and sometimes, not constructive. At Cor Blaugrana, as we mentioned before, we remain completely neutral in this process. As a grup with a cross-cutting approach, we believe that our function is not to give support to a candidacy, but to give voice to members. We area always open to receive any comment, ideas from them and Barça fans. We welcome everyone to contact us and tell us what you would like to discuss.

We think that now is time for members and fans to imagine what the Club we want for the upcomming years, so we can evaluate proposals accordingly. We believe we always need to have in mind the importance of rebuilding our Club, so that it can become once again, the best Club in the world. Therefore, we would like to remember that the motion of no confidence was put in place not with elections in mind, but to save Barça, as a last resource. It is necessary to acknowledge all participants in it in the same way, whatever their contribution was. Tots units fem força.

At Cor Blaugrana we are a group of action, and an extremely executive group. One of the things we are most proud of, is that we are very open about the initiatives we do. All the information about them, you can find it in our website corblaugrana.cat. We produce all this documentation by ourselves (therefore, it is protected by Copyright), with no other inspiration than Barça. We want to make our own way as a groups,  and would like you to join us!.

Campaign #MultiseusFCB,  to have more poll stations for the next upcomming elections in March 2021.
Proposal to have more poll stations for the next upcomming elections in March 2021.

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